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Brown Abstract simple photo before and after hair Instagram post (1).png

Here's a little of my journey. The before picture taken on the left was taken July of 2018, the very first step in taking ahold of my nutrition and making myself a priority. The after picture was taken May of 2022 at the end of any phases of nutrition. I myself have been through Fat Loss Phases, Maintenance Phases, Body Recomp. Phases, and lastly a Intentional bulking Phase to increase muscle mass.

As you can see there are many years in between these photos and that is because   fitness journeys do not happen overnight. They happen with life changing habits and consistency, along my journey I learned that foods aren't labeled as good or bad , but just have different ways of fueling our bodies.

That its okay not to always be in a dieting mindset. Our bodies thrive off of proper nutrition and training which allows you to form a wonderful relationship with food. 

"I knew I needed someone who I could trust and someone to have my back. Who would help me keep going when I was ready to give up. I found that in Coach Eve. She knows  where I'm coming from. She will listen to the issues you are dealing with and figure out the best approach to take. With her personalized approach with macros and weight training I have been able to lose approx. 30 lbs I am not perfect and have bad days but, she reassures me that it's okay and to just jump back in and continue my journey. She has given me the strength I need to stay motivated and reassures me that I can do this. Eve has made me realize that I am someone to invest in, that I am worth working for, that I actually matter. And for that I am forever grateful. Having a coach has changed my whole perspective on this journey of mine. Take the time to reach out to Eve so you can have the same experience I have had. She truly does care."

D.Dainwood, TX

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