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Hi There, I'm Eve!

Certified Fitness & Nutrition Coach

I coach women just like you who want to build confidence while establishing a healthy relationship with food. Say good-bye to all the yo-yo dieting and learn to fuel your body! Let me help you customize  a personalized nutrition and fitness plan that will allow you to reach your goals while achieving sustainable results. 


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My Mission:
Creating healthy lifestyle changes that turn into habits

My Values


Choosing to be positive. When we are positive we engage in positive thinking, emotions, and behaviors. We are kinder to ourselves and to others.  


Showing up for oneself and others is always an important roll, being consistent is not being perfect, it's being dependable and trustworthy.


Is very important, I truly believe to show thankfulness and express your appreciation for all the thing in your life.


Fun Facts About Me

My Own Fitness Goal is to be STRONG!!



Are you ready to take that next step? 

How it all started..

I started coaching women out of a passion.  I began my own fitness journey about 5 years ago and just like you had tried everything. From hours of cardio, to bouncing from diet to diet and all of it worked for a little bit until it didn't. Finally around year 3, I stumbled upon a Macronutrient based plan, it was about optimizing the foods we eat to fuel our bodies to do the daily activities needed. It was key, being able to have control of what I ate along side my favorite (strength training). I started seeing my body go through these changes I never even thought were possible. And that's where coaching came in. There was no way that I couldn't take what I had learned, and not share it with all of you. So I took the leap and invested in myself to get certified. Certifying myself in Mindset, Nutrition, and Fitness. I feel so blessed that I get to help you start living a healthy life that can be enjoyable. 

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